Last updated on January 7th, 2014 by Robert A. Bjerke

The descendants of Ole Henriksen (died 1724) and his wife Kari Thomasdatter (died 1735), farmers at Anmarkrud in Nord-Aurdal in Valdres in Norway.


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3 Responses to “The Family from Anmarkrud in Nord-Aurdal”

  1. Evensen descendant says:

    Thanks so much for your very thorough research! I suspect that Gjertud Evensdatter and Ole Siversen Field had a son, Even, in 1756 who married Inger Andrine Abrahamsdatter Thomle in 1793. Was Even just overlooked, or is there a reason you did not include him as part of this family?

  2. You’re quite right. On page 474 of the Aurdal kirkebok 1730-1762, it is recorded that on 15 February 1756 Ole Siversøn Fiel and Giertrud Evensdr.’s child Even was baptized at Bruflad. I obviously overlooked this entry. And the event is apparently not in the Etnedal bygdebok either. Thank you for pointing this out.

  3. Evensen descendant says:

    Thank you, again! I’ve also tied in other families you’ve researched as I’m also descended from Ronnaug Guttormsdatter (Byfellien family) and Anne Kristoffersdatter 1759 (Dolven family). They’re all ancestors of Ronnaug Evensdatter (Oimoen), bp 1836 Hougner , who sailed with her parents to America in 1866. You’ve been a big help with the Etnedal side.

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